Royal Lee Cancer Hospital
Canton, Guangdong, China -
High-standard cancer specialized hospital with first rate physical examination and rehabilitation, to provide high-quality medical services for patients domestic and abroad. -
Total area: 107,300 ㎡; Phase I: 77,400, 200 beds -
Guangzhou Royal LEE Investment Co., Ltd. -
Schematic Design, Detailed Design, Landscape and Environment -
Completed -
Project Team
Architect: AIA Life Designers
Joint Group: CCDI -
Through intensive layout of buildings, the design maximizes the concession, maximizes the green landscape area on the limited site, and makes the high-quality landscape space not only serve the hospital itself, but also open to the city. The concept of "Garden Hospital" is introduced, and the whole hospital is set in a green natural environment through the design of three-dimensional garden.
Based on the principle of facilitating medical treatment, doctor-patient separation, sewage cleaning separation and strengthening the organic connection between each functional area, the outpatient department, medical technology and hospitalization are designed in one building to create a smooth and convenient medical treatment flow line through the central lobby and vertical traffic. The first and second phase of the building will be connected through the air corridor, so that the two will be effectively connected and the efficiency of the hospital will be improved.
Both the interior design and the landscape design revolve around the concept of "Garden Hospital", from the urban scale to the individual scale, to maximize the distance between people and nature, creating a comfortable and efficient medical environment.