Bank Credit Agricole Atlantic Vendee
Nantes, France -
BBC Effinergie building
NF Commercial Building and HQE Process Certified Operation -
14,650 m² -
Crédit Agricole Atlantique Vendée -
Completed -
€31 million excluding taxes -
Project Team
Commissioned architect: AIA Associés
Engineering and project economics: AIA Ingénierie
Environmental expertise: AIA Studio Environnement
MOE: AIA Management -
As part of its real estate renovation programme, the Caisse Régionale du Crédit Agricole Atlantique Vendée decided to reconstruct its headquarters in Nantes, using a High Environmental Quality process. The challenges of this rebuilding project appear both on an urban dimension, on a town and regional scale (as a shop window), as well as in a need to rebuild a strong spatial identity, capable of producing spaces for living interactivity which are welcoming to its occupants. A global and coherent project must therefore be defined for the entire site.